Game Deal: Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

June 22, 2009

In recent years a game with 40 hours of gameplay could be considered as a solid campaign. Many games, also fall much short of this, like Mirror’s Edge, which can be beaten in an afternoon. The number of hours a gameplay a game can provide does not necessarily make the game any better than a shorter game. However, if this game is of decent quality, then it will make the experience last that much longer and make that game worth far more than it’s sticker price.


Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition is an awesome RPG with a ridiculous amount of gameplay as well as rather good graphics. This game can take over 200 hours to complete. With tons of side quests along with the rich main story, there is sure to be a lot to enjoy. In today’s age, you might consider paying over $100 for that many gameplay hours as many games might charge $5 per hour. However, you can walk away with this RPG for just $20 on Newegg. The Game of the Year Edition contains both the original Oblivion game, as well as the Shivering Isles and Knights of The Nine expansion packs. Be careful, however, as role-playing games are not for everyone, there is a lot of story and dialogue to take care of and if this is not your forte, even for the price you might hate playing this game. But if you love RPG then this is a game that must be played and any true RPG fan has to be able to say they’ve played this.

Buy it for $20 on Newegg.

Game Deal: Bioshock

June 19, 2009

bioshockbox1For today’s game deal, we have Bioshock for Xbox 360 for only $20. This is an awesome game and a must play for any FPS fan and is definitely a game any true gamer will have played. This is the first game in the series of Bioshock and sets you in the city of Rapture, a secret city at the bottom of the ocean. Fight your way against crazy bad guys and big daddies, using both weapons and magics. This game is rather scary and intense and it will give you a great experience, and is definitely worth the $20. I would have never thought that little girls could be just so eerily frightening until after playing through this game. Check it out, you won’t be disappointed. Then take a look at Bioshock 2 to see what is in store for the next one.

Buy it on Newegg for $20.